Heidi Montag says Jennifer Aniston banned her from Just Go With It premiere

As slurry as Jennifer Aniston may come across in interviews, she can be cunning like a fox. Plastic surgery victim Heidi Montag whined to US Weekly that she was banned from the premiere of Just Go With It, in which she has some kind of cameo featuring her tits and ass, due to the 41

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As slurry as Jennifer Aniston may come across in interviews, she can be cunning like a fox. Plastic surgery victim Heidi Montag whined to US Weekly that she was banned from the premiere of Just Go With It, in which she has some kind of cameo featuring her tits and ass, due to the 41 year-old divorcee’s influence. From what Heidi said, Aniston pulled rank and made sure that Montag wasn’t able to walk the red carpet. Given the way that Heidi and Spencer work the media I wouldn’t be surprised if Heidi made this whole thing up for publicity after realizing she’d gained five pounds and could no longer fit into the skintight dress she picked out for the premiere. Aniston’s publicist suggested as much.

Although Heidi Montag had a cameo in the star’s comedy, Just Go With It, she claims she wasn’t allowed to walk the carpet at the flick’s NYC premiere Tuesday.

“I’m so upset,” the former reality star, 24, tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on stands now). “I was so excited! This is the first movie I’ve ever been in and I can’t walk the red carpet because Jennifer Aniston decided I was ‘too polarizing.'”

Montag, who renewed her vows with husband Spencer Pratt, 27, in November after their very public split adds that she had already designed her own dress for the event and made a deal with producers not to go to any events beforehand.

“I’ve been such a huge Jennifer Aniston fan my entire life and it’s just really upsetting that she would do this to me,” says Montag. “She should know how hard it is to make a career for yourself and to have someone like Jennifer Aniston go out of her way to make things hard for me is really disheartening.”

However a rep for Aniston, 41, claims she has no issues with the reality star. “This is absolutely false. Jennifer has nothing to do with who was or was not invited,” her rep tells Us

[From US Weekly]

If this is true, points to Aniston! Heidi said Aniston’s full name too many times though, it’s like a tell that she’s making this up. “Jennifer Aniston said I was polarizing… I’m a Jennifer Aniston fan… Jennifer Aniston went out of her way for me,” etc. She’s really saying “If I say her name enough times like Candyman I’ll magically appear in a story alongside her.” “Vowla” (as Heidi spells it) her wish came true! Let me try the magic formula – “Jennifer Aniston told Kaiser she’s not an alcoholic… Jennifer Aniston said she’s telling the truth about wanting babies sometime far off in the future… Jennifer Aniston said she still talks to Brad.” Now all I have to do is wait. It worked for Perez Hilton!

Aniston was on Good Morning America today and you can watch her interview below. She said it was really fun working with Adam Sandler and that they were dying laughing when they saw the final movie at the premiere. The clip they showed wasn’t that funny though. She also said she’s looking for a place to live in New York City.

Candids of Aniston are from today and were taken outside the GMA studios. Credit: Fame. Other photos credit: WENN.com




