Benedict Cumberbatch: Ive done smart. I havent done much sexy, really

Im quietly preparing myself for the possibility that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter could suddenly elope over the holidays. Do you think thats a legit possibility? Or does Sophie want a big society wedding? Or maybe thats what Bendy wants? But what does Harvey Weinstein want?! Anyway, Bendy and Sophie are probably going to be


I’m quietly preparing myself for the possibility that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter could suddenly elope over the holidays. Do you think that’s a legit possibility? Or does Sophie want a big society wedding? Or maybe that’s what Bendy wants? But what does Harvey Weinstein want?! Anyway, Bendy and Sophie are probably going to be all over LA in January, because Benedict has gotten Best Actor nominations in every major awards show. He’ll be at the Golden Globes, the SAGs, the Critics Choice and more. I’m assuming Sophie will be on his arm the whole time, because… why not? Meanwhile, there are still some interviews with Bendy for TIG, like this one with The National. Benedict once again talks about how he would really like to play “sexy” and do a romantic comedy. Some highlights:

He doesn’t just play geniuses: He says he’s played “pretty dull, ordinary” people. “Let’s say us. I’ve done us, versions of me and you,” he says.

He likes characters who are puzzles to be solved: “Maybe that’s a fair one. Maybe I do. I think for the reasons people are attracted to those characters, as well. You can never fully understand them. There’s always a certain amount of enigma or mystery to them.”

TIG the film: “…Is about trying to celebrate differences because of the tragedies that can occur when you destroy the people who aren’t like you”.

He’s not a Sherlock-level genius: “Steven Moffat is the brain. I just say it fast.”

Playing Alan Turing: “I’m not stupid but I’m not that smart. So I can at least lend something of that within the performance, like maybe the alacrity of thought, making fast connections. But when you actually start talking about the language he used to get to those stunning conclusions, you might as well ask me to write my name in Mandarin.”

His career dream: “I’ve done evil. I’ve done good. I’ve done smart. I haven’t done much sexy, sexy, really. I know Sherlock’s some people’s cup of tea. I’d like to do a romantic comedy. I really would.”

[From The National]

I mean… I could see Benedict as a romantic lead, but then again, I’m a long-time Cumberbitch. I think he would be absolutely charming in, say, a Richard Curtis-written posh-Englishman-meets-a-tough-talking-American-broad romantic comedy. I could dream-cast the hell out of that! I wouldn’t put him with someone like Reese Witherspoon though. I would put him with Mindy Kaling. And it would be HOT. And funny.


Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, WENN.

