Clara McGregor: I was angry when I called Mary Elizabeth Winstead a piece of trash

Embed from Getty Images Ewan McGregor and Eve Mavrakis started their family when they were very young. Their daughter Clara McGregor is already 22 years old, which is why I feel okay about discussing the McGregor familys drama, because theyre adults. Last year, Ewan very publicly left Eve. He had been having an affair with

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Ewan McGregor and Eve Mavrakis started their family when they were very young. Their daughter Clara McGregor is already 22 years old, which is why I feel okay about discussing the McGregor family’s drama, because they’re adults. Last year, Ewan very publicly left Eve. He had been having an affair with his Fargo costar Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and they were “caught” in public, openly feeling each other up or whatever. Soon Ewan filed for divorce and Eve was quite caustic in her reaction to all of it. It was clear that this was not some conscious uncoupling, and there were a lot of hurt feelings all around. Clara has been on social media for months, dealing with some of the drama. A few months ago, Clara commented on someone’s Instagram – the IG was about Ewan and Mary Elizabeth and how Mary Elizabeth is beautiful and talented. Clara commented: “Most beautiful and talented woman on earth? Oh man y’all are delusional. The girl is a piece of trash x.” Well, Clara has a new interview with the Times and she talks about what happened:

Calling Winstead a ‘piece of trash’: “It wasn’t the most mature way to go about things, but I was angry and upset… there had been a lot building up to it and a lot to deal with — not to make excuses or anything — but, yeah, it wasn’t my finest moment. I kept being tagged in this photograph and I was seeing negative things about my mom. I said how I felt and I didn’t want to apologise for it. It wasn’t the right way to go about things, but it’s a hard thing to wrap your head around when you feel you had this idea of what the family unit is and then to have that shift. It’s very weird.”

She knew her parents were having issues before Ewan’s affair with Mary Elizabeth went public: “We had already started dealing with it and trying to cope. It was incredibly surprising to me that they had gone out in public,” she said, adding that “the picture surfaced on my little sister’s birthday…But my dad didn’t know it was going to come out. He didn’t want us to see that, but, you know, there were paparazzi following them around.”

She’s still close to both of her parents: While the model and actress went on to share “that I have my mom’s back in this — fully,” she made it clear that she’s “still very close to my dad…I love him and I always will. The relationship’s not going to end because of this. We are incredibly close and despite me strongly disagreeing with how he’s gone about things, I’ll always love him, and I hope he’s happy, you know?”

[From People]

I’m fine with what she says here and I understand that it’s been hard for her, especially because she wants to defend her mom and stand up for her mom publicly and privately. Eve seems super-private about everything, and I bet she hates that any of this became public anyway. I still think Clara probably just loathes “daddy’s new girlfriend” and blames Mary Elizabeth for her parents’ split. That’s a visceral emotional reaction and I understand it. But Clara will probably understand more as time goes by – Mary Elizabeth didn’t take Ewan away from her mom. Ewan chose to cheat, get caught and break up the family. It sucks and it’s messy and I feel bad for all the McGregor kids.

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