Vanessa Hudgens on her James Franco sex scene: I never want to do it again

Vanessa Hudgens covers the December issue of Glow magazine with a highly underwhelming cover. The styling here is awful, and it seems like this look has been done so many times before and honestly, this dates me truly belongs on a 1987 cover of YM magazine. Nothing against Vanessa either, for this cover

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens covers the December issue of Glow magazine with a highly underwhelming cover. The styling here is awful, and it seems like this look has been done so many times before and — honestly, this dates me — truly belongs on a 1987 cover of YM magazine. Nothing against Vanessa either, for this cover isn’t her fault at all aside from a faint hint of duck lips. The other photos in the shoot aren’t as bad, but there’s not really noteworthy either. Mostly, Vanessa seems like she’s dancing in a white lace and feathered cutout dress. Her hair looks sexy and playful here.

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens

Now the interview is slightly more interesting because Vanessa talks about her recent experience filming Spring Breakers, in which she plays one of a group of good girls gone bad who end up hooking up with a drug dealer played by James Franco as K-Fed. In the movie, Vanessa’s character has a threesome in a swimming pool with Ashley Benson and James Franco, and Vanessa didn’t enjoy the experience at all. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On her sex scene with James Franco: “It was very nerve-racking for me. I told my agent that I never want to do it ever again.”

On gaining 15 pounds for Gimme Shelter: “With so many actresses who want the exact same role, you’ve got to stand out and be different and not let anybody tell you no.”

On her fitness regime: “I spin, I do yoga, I dance a lot. I’ll go hike. Honestly, anything that sounds like fun.”

Let’s be honest here — the uncomfortable sex scene was probably Franco’s fault because he tried to elevate it into high art. Or maybe I just like to blame him for almost anything because he’s such a smug douche. In related news, James Franco would like the world to know that he did not approve of Skyfall because the movie literally put him to sleep. Page Six says that he and Ashley Benson (who are indeed dating) were spotted snoozing through the latest James Bond flick. I guess Bond just isn’t intellectual enough for an amazing artiste like James Franco.

By the way, remember these photos from Interview magazine’s Spring Breakers feature? I would think that a sex scene (even with James Franco) would be the least of Vanessa’s concerns while making this movie.

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens

Photos courtesy of Glow and Interview magazine

