Jennifer Lopez: I have never had plastic surgery of any kind. #fact

I have a feeling Im about to get yelled at, but here goes: I believe Jennifer Lopez for the most part. Jennifer recently came to her own defense when a UK plastic surgeon tweeted before and after photos of Jennifers alleged plastic surgery. Jennifer tweeted back to the doctor: @DrAyoubi Sorry Sir, but I have


I have a feeling I’m about to get yelled at, but here goes: I believe Jennifer Lopez for the most part. Jennifer recently came to her own defense when a UK plastic surgeon tweeted “before and after” photos of Jennifer’s alleged plastic surgery. Jennifer tweeted back to the doctor: “@DrAyoubi Sorry Sir, but I have never had plastic surgery of any kind. #fact”. Here are the tweets:

jlo PS


So, is Jennifer lying? While I sometimes wonder if Jennifer has had some subtle nose work, I think that’s basically the only question I have about any surgical procedures when it comes to J.Lo. I don’t think she’s had eye work. I think her ass is real. I think she works out and dances a lot and she takes care of her skin. She doesn’t smoke, barely drinks and she eats pretty healthy. I don’t even think she’s crazy Botoxed. She wears a lot of makeup and she takes care of herself. That’s what I believe. Go ahead and yell!

Here’s J.Lo in October:


Here’s J.Lo in 2004:


Photos courtesy of WENN.

