Lenny Kravitz: To this day, I have not been invited to a BET thing or Source Awards

Lenny Kravitz covers the Winter Issue of Esquire, ahead of the release of his first album in five years. Lenny is forever the coolest cat, genuinely talented, respected by his peers and adored by women. Hes also been, historically, sort of an idiosyncratic character, but I found this Esquire interview really interesting and direct.

Lenny Kravitz covers the Winter Issue of Esquire, ahead of the release of his first album in five years. Lenny is forever – the coolest cat, genuinely talented, respected by his peers and adored by women. He’s also been, historically, sort of an idiosyncratic character, but I found this Esquire interview really interesting and direct. He’s not stuck up his own ass – he talks about the racism he faced in the white rock establishment, while he was also being ignored by Black entertainment outlets. He also talked a lot about how much the LGBTQ+ community has meant to him and been his family from the start. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

On struggling to be taken seriously by the rock-critic establishment: “There was this one article that, at that time, said, ‘If Lenny Kravitz were white, he would be the next savior of rock ’n’ roll.’ I got a lot of negativity thrown at me by all these older white men who weren’t going to let me have that position…It was discouraging at times. I’m good. Intact—happy, healthy, focused, with still so much to do.”

On his treatment by Black entertainment and culture outlets: “To this day, I have not been invited to a BET thing or a Source Awards thing. And it’s like, here is a Black artist who has reintroduced many Black art forms, who has broken down barriers—just like those that came before me broke down. That is positive. And they don’t have anything to say about it?… I’m not here for the accolades. I’m here for the experience.”

On the people he used to surround himself with early in his career: “I got burned. Completely. I put it all out there, and I put it all out there in a way for people to take advantage of it. I was an empty vessel…Saying no is very difficult for me. I was like that from childhood. My mom used to call me the Pied Piper. I’d bring everybody home. Just met them a few hours ago? I bring them home. I love people. I always have loved people.”

On the recent racist and misogynistic comments from Rolling Stone founder and former editor-in-chief Jann Wenner: “It’s very disappointing and sad. I’ve known Jann since 1987. I’ve been to his house. In his life. I was disappointed. I was very disappointed. The statement alone, even if you just heard about the man yesterday, was appalling and embarrassing. And just wrong.”

On how the LGBTQ+ community has been a big influence on his life: “Not only in fashion and style, because that’s just something on top. They raised me. I was in the street—my choice—and it was the eighties in West Hollywood. It was that time; artists, musicians, hairstylists, and designers, those were the people I was hanging out with. I wanted to be around the creatives, and most of the people I met were from that community. [They] protected me. Educated me. Fed me.”

On the infidelity “word curse” his father put on him: “I felt it when he said it, but the shock waves lasted decades and got stronger and stronger and stronger…I put some people through some hard times.”

On getting married again: “Absolutely. I’ve grown enough. I’ve become stronger. I’ve become more disciplined. I’ve become more open to be able to do so. But it’s been a very difficult thing for me to figure out.”

On being open to having more kids: “I could not, and I could. If it doesn’t happen, I’ve done the best with Zoë that I could ever dream to do. If I was with somebody that wanted to have kids, absolutely. A hundred percent.”

On his grueling touring schedule: “Your whole life is centered around being able to do those two and a half hours every night. So you don’t hang out. You don’t smoke. You don’t drink. You don’t talk a lot. You’ve got to get your sleep.”

[From Esquire]

59 years old and he’s not ready to say for-sure that he won’t have another kid? Eh. Honestly, though, it’s surprising that Zoe is his only child, just as it feels strange that Lisa Bonet was his only wife. Maybe that marriage was so monumental, he never could manage to repeat the energy. Do you think he’ll eventually remarry? Hm. I would marry him just for access to his amazing real estate. And of course, he’s Lenny and he’s still got “it.” That being said, he knows he’s a compulsive cheater and he knows he put a lot of women through a lot of tough times. Does his real estate portfolio make up for it though??

Cover and photos courtesy of Norman Jean Roy for Esquire received via promotional email.

