Lady Gagas little monsters attack Adele on Twitter over Gagas VMA snubs

This story comes as a request from several commenters. Did you just want an open forum to discuss this issue, or if you just wanted to hear my take on it, given that I am firmly entrenched in Team Adele, forever and always. The basic story: last week, the VMA (MTV Video Music Award) nominations


This story comes as a request from several commenters. Did you just want an open forum to discuss this issue, or if you just wanted to hear my take on it, given that I am firmly entrenched in Team Adele, forever and always. The basic story: last week, the VMA (MTV Video Music Award) nominations came out, and while Lady Gaga got a significant number of noms for Born This Way (3 in total), she was out-nominated overall by both Katy Perry (the VMA nomination leader) and Adele (who got 7 nominations). So what did Gaga’s Little Monsters do in retaliation for their Queen Monster being “snubbed”? They went on a really inappropriate, gross, disgusting bender of nastiness.

According to AHN, “Gaga’s fans took to Twitter to attack the British singer and her weight because she didn’t sweep the Video Music Awards nominations like the previous year, when she earned 13.” Comments from the little monsters on Twitter included: “Adele probably ate Lady Gaga’s other nominations” and “CONFIRMED: Gaga will not be wearing the meat dress at the 2011 VMA’s because she is afraid Adele will eat her.” Also: “Adele: ‘I’m bootyful in my way, cause Arbys makes noooo mistakes, I’ve got the right order, baby I was borrrn this weeeigggghttt.'”

Two things are weird about the fan reaction: one, there were barely any high-profile attacks on Katy Perry, only Adele. Two, Gaga preached tolerance and her anti-bullying messages are pretty clear. Now, even though Gaga has been pissing me off for a while, I don’t think she should be held accountable for her most rabid and insane fans. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt for her to do some high-profile damage control, lest people associate her with her deranged fans. And I really hope Adele hasn’t heard about this. This is ridiculous.

By the way, Adele’s album 21 is STILL at number one on the UK charts, topping Katy and Gaga. She’s on her 18th consecutive week at number one, and her first album, 19, is climbing the charts again too. You know why? Because Adele matters in ways that Lady Gaga can only dream of. Because Adele has more raw talent in her pinkie than Gaga has in her entire body. Because TEAM ADELE, BITCHES.

Sidenote: You want to know how obsessed I am with 21? I have the thing downloaded into my iPod, plus I bought the CD, and I haven’t stopped listening to the album in my car in MONTHS.




Photos courtesy of WENN, Out Mag, InStyle.

