Rumer Williss hair thinks its 1987

Some days, I sit around and think to myself, Man, I wish it were 1987. Kindergarten was awesome, my world was simple, and people had deliberately ugly hair. The nostalgia would run pretty deep, so you can imagine my excitement when I saw the above picture of Rumor Willis. The celbuspawn of Demi Moore and

Some days, I sit around and think to myself, “Man, I wish it were 1987. Kindergarten was awesome, my world was simple, and people had deliberately ugly hair.” The nostalgia would run pretty deep, so you can imagine my excitement when I saw the above picture of Rumor Willis. The celbuspawn of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis gets teased a lot for her looks, which I’m trying to rise above. I try my best not to call fat people fat or ugly people ugly. If you’re gorgeous, I might call you a troll, or if you’re tall I might call you shorty, because it’s clearly not true and you know I’m joking. So this credo makes it a little hard for me to figure out what to say about the above photograph, except that Rumor Willis clearly thinks 1987 had it going on.

“Rumer Willis liked the wig she’s been wearing in her latest movie so much that she had her hair dyed platinum blonde for real. Showing off the ‘do at Thursday’s opening of the James Perse store in Beverly Hills, the 19-year-old daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis and stepdad Ashton Kutcher told PEOPLE that her new look jolted her folks, as well as her siblings, Scout, 16, and Tallulah, 13.

“‘I came home and my parents were really shocked when I walked in the house,’ she says. ‘My sisters looked at me like, ‘What? Your hair!’ But everyone, my parents, loved it.’ That was a relief. The makeover – by Tracey Cunningham at the Neil George Salon in Beverly Hills (‘She’s amazing’, Willis says) – required seven hours to complete.

“‘Honestly, it just took a long time. I got there at like 1 [p.m.], and I didn’t leave until 8 p.m. I have really dark hair, so it took a long time, but it didn’t really hurt,’ she says. ;I got the idea because the movie I just finished, I was wearing a blonde wig, so I saw myself like that. And I just went for it.’

“The movie comedy, ‘I Know What Boys Like,’ was previously called ‘House Bunny.’ Says Willis: ‘I always find that whenever I’m doing something big in my life, I want to change the hair.’”

[From People]

Rumor’s been rocking the short look for a while. Due to her… [holds insults back] unique jaw structure, I think she looked better with longer hair. It de-emphasized the round and yet pointiness of the jaw. I generally think everyone looks best when they stick with some shade of their natural color. It just goes better with most people’s coloring. But to each his own… I want credit for all the restraint I just showed.

