Theres a petition trying to get racist Jesse Williams kicked off Greys Anatomy

One of my favorite aspects of Twitter is the ability to get a window into what black activists and thinkers are saying about the topics of the day. Black Twitter has given the world two of the greatest hashtags of all time, #WhiteTears and #WhiteFragility. You know sh-t is going down when those hashtags start


One of my favorite aspects of Twitter is the ability to get a window into what black activists and thinkers are saying about the topics of the day. Black Twitter has given the world two of the greatest hashtags of all time, #WhiteTears and #WhiteFragility. You know sh-t is going down when those hashtags start popping up in a story. And that’s what happened this week when some butthurt idiots decided that Jesse Williams’ amazing BET Awards speech was “racist.” Yes, there are literally thousands of people who “understood” the “argument” Stacey Dash made, which is that Jesse Williams is the for-real racist because he stood up and made a speech about violence against black people, education inequality, the narratives of civil rights movements and systemic racial inequality throughout society. I wish I was joking.

So, Jesse made some people mad. And instead of trying to make a coherent argument about why he might be wrong (he’s not wrong and there is no argument to be made), some people just decided to claim that he’s an awful person, a racist, and he should be thrown off of Grey’s Anatomy. A petition was started by someone named Erin Smith and the petition already has thousands of names. Smith wrote:

Jesse Williams spewed a racist, hate speech against law enforcement and white people at the BET awards. If this was a white person making the same speech about an African American, they would have been fired and globally chastised, as they should be, but there has been no consequences to Williams’ actions. There’s been no companies making a stand against his racist remarks and no swift action condemning his negative attitude. Why was Burke’s character fired from Grey’s Anatomy after his inappropriate homophobic slur, but nothing for Jesse Williams? Why the one-way street? Why the support for a hater? Why the hypocrisy? #AllLivesMatter All humans bleed the same color. #EqualConsequences4RacistBehavior

**A special note to all the people making assumptions: Who said I was white? Who said I’m a Trump supporter? This is not about politics. This is about equal consequences for racist behavior. If this was an Asian, Mexican, Caucasian or whoever saying the same exact words as Jesse Williams did, I would be against it and petitioned them to be fired if they did not suffer the same consequences as others have suffered for their irrational behavior. We’re all adult human beings. Why not act that way? Instead of lashing out with immature and obnoxious name calling, do something about getting everyone to look at everyone in the same light. Make a difference!


I’m still failing to see the twisted logic of this argument. Yes, I do think people should be fired or censured for making racist statements. But saying “there’s a crazy amount of police violence against black folks” IS NOT RACIST. Therefore, it’s not a fire-able offense. This is actually a perfect example of the appropriate use of #WhiteFragility. When you’re so fragile that you’re offended when black people want to be a part of a conversation about violence against their community.

So, Jesse responded to the stupidity without naming names. He tweeted this:

Do not promote empty people & their tantrums. Pure clickbait to gain followers, attention & money, for themselves, not you. Never you.

— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) July 3, 2016

And then Jesse’s boss, Shonda Rhimes, decided to chime in. I hope she’s drinking a big glass of #WhiteTears right now.

Um, people? Boo don't need a petition. #shondalandrules

— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) July 5, 2016


Photos courtesy of WENN.

